
Monday, October 1, 2012

Oliver's Labels Room-eez Growth Chart - Review & Giveaway!

Anyone who knows me well knows that in addition to my baking and cooking habits, I also love interior decorating and interior design.  I have done some consulting on decorating in the past. I love decorating my house and looking at magazines with inspirational ideas.  If I watch TV, it's usually on HGTV (or a cooking show..or sometimes Y&R!).  And Pinterest...oh me, oh my!  A girl can spend hours there finding great ideas! It's funny, any house I've had up to this point (aka, before kids) has always seen a lot of effort in painting, decorating, accessorizing, personalizing, etc.  When we bought our current house, the walls were "builder's beige".  Some of the walls still are builder's beige (not really my favourite offense anyone!)...but slowly I am transforming our house away from the cookie cutter and into more "me".  If you've been reading my blog for a while, you may recall the Bedroom Makeover that we did for our oldest son's birthday earlier this year, where we transformed his room into a space that we all just love.

Because I am always interested in new decorating "stuff", when the opportunity came up for me to review the new line of Room-eez Growth Charts from Oliver's Labels, I jumped at the chance!  I checked out their website and fell in love with all the cute designs.  And...if you were to see what we have been using for a growth chart you would have a serious laugh!  Our oldest son's growth chart is right on the wall in his bedroom.  Started pre-makeover.  Which means that I haven't painted over it (so in all that beautiful new paint in his room, there in a green patch where his height has been marked since we moved into the house, LOL!).
 So, once I checked out the Oliver's Labels website, I selected the Monkey Themed growth chart...for three very obvious reason is my oldest son (Monkey #1), the second reason is my yougest son (Monkey #2), and the third reason is that their playroom is decorated with a monkey theme already, the monkey themed growth chart was the perfect fit! 

When our Room-eez Growth Chart arrived, it was in a nice neat package with great instructions.  I was a little nervous about doing the install, so I called upon my wonderful, handy hubby, who took over.  It was silly for me to be nervous, it was SUPER EASY to install!  As soon as the first mark was on the wall to line up the growth chart, our 5 year old took over smoothing the material onto the wall.  Super easy!  I did take a quick "turn" so that I could get a feel for the process - the material is a nice, sturdy feeling material, with good "stick".  Reading up on the decals, it says that they are also easy to remove and won't hurt my walls (woohoo! - the playroom is one room that we have "renovated" and is not builder's beige!).

Now, onto the GIVEAWAY!  Oliver's Labels is so kindly offering one winner from Addicted to Recipes their very own personalized Room-eez Growth Chart!  These are especially great for the 6 and under crowd!  There are a few rules: During the course of the campaign there are other giveaways being promoted to win an Oliver's Labels Room-eez Growth Chart.  You are welcome to enter each of the giveaways, but you may only win one prize.  Giveaway is open to Canada and the United States only. Winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to respond to the email, or a new winner will be selected.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclaimer - I received product as a thank you for participating in this review.  All opinions are 100% my own.**


  1. Stephanie
    bula79 at hotmail dot com

  2. I would choose the monkey/coconuts.

  3. Denise G

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  4. Love the monkey one

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  5. I am torn between the monkey one and the road/transportation one.

  6. Angela M

  7. Love the road/transportation growth chart! Thanks for the giveaway!

    jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

  8. Our sons are monkey lovers!

  9. Valerie Theberge

  10. I like the transportation growth chart.


Thank you so very much for visiting Addicted to Recipes! I love reading all your comments and will do my best to reply as quickly as I can. I sure hope you will come back and visit again soon!