
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Natrel Baboo - Review & Coupons

You know what they say, every kid is different.  Mine are perfect examples of that in so many ways.  Whether it was walking (at 9 1/2 months for the oldest, 14 months for the youngest) or talking (not a lot of words by 2 for the oldest, lots of words by 1 for the youngest) - things are often so different.  A few exceptions with my kids - they are both almost the exact same height and weight at each age (which is funny because a lot of people comment on what a big boy the youngest is, and yet he's in the 50-75th percentile...and the same size his brother was...who is currently a tall, lanky 5 year old).  They have also always been really good eaters.  Those two eat practically everything, we feel really lucky about that!

One of the big differences between our two kids that always comes to mind is beverage consumption.  Both kids were (are) breastfed  - our first was introduced to homogenized milk at 9 months, but was still mostly breastfed until he was 1.  After his first birthday (and because I was back at work) - the nursing became morning and night, and then night, and then at 14 months, he was done. The rest of the time it was milk and water.  Our oldest was a milk fiend.  Between nursing and the 4 litre jugs of milk, that kid drank a LOT.  Seriously, we would go through milk like crazy when he was a toddler!

Our youngest...he too is breastfed. I am pretty sure he was a cluster feeder right from the start.  One night in the middle of the night (in a moment of clarity? Is that possible in the middle of the night? LOL) I actually started calculating the number of times I had breastfed the baby (by this point he was already one and he was still nursing several times a day).  We tried from time to time to introduce homogenized milk to him prior to his first birthday, but it was never well received.  We also tried getting him to drink more water at a younger age, again without much luck.  The kid just doesn't like to drink stuff (other than breastmilk).  Which has been totally fine with me, I feel lucky that both of my kids were good feeders.  We have also never been big on giving our kids juice (it's a treat for them), so when the opportunity to try the new Natrel Baboo with our little guy came up, we jumped at the chance. Here's how it went...

Surprisingly...WELL!  Our little guy LOVED it!  I hummed and hawed about whether to give it to him cold or just straight from the cupboard.  I decided to chill it first, just to see.  And he liked it.  This is great for all of us...not only do we now have another option for a beverage that he will consume, there is something to be said about the convenience factor of the tetra packs.  We're on the go a LOT (you've heard me talk about hockey for the oldest) and packing around milk that may or may not stay cold is always a challenge.  Now I can grab a Natrel Baboo, throw it into the diaper bag or my purse, and we have a good choice for a bevvie for the toddler when we are out and about. 

And...not to leave any of my readers out - any of YOU who are interested in trying Natrel Baboo can do so too!  Baboo is giving away 50,000 free coupons!  Head on over to their Facebook page to claim your coupon!

Disclosure - I am participating in the Baboo Blog Tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Natrel.  I received compensation as a thank you for participating and sharing my honest opinion.  The opinions on this blog are my own.

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