
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How Do YOU Clean Your Dishes? Finish Quantum Trade-In Event!

I write a food blog...which means I cook and bake...a LOT.  And what goes hand-in-hand with cooking and baking?  The MESS I leave behind.  Thank goodness for my dishwasher (I'm not talking about the husband variety...though I am super-thankful for him and his help!) - I am talking about our kitchen dishwasher, you know, that handy-dandy machine that we use to clean up all of my (OUR) messy dishes!

What good is a dishwasher without a good dishwasher detergent?  Did you know that this weekend, YOU have the opportunity to try Finish Quantum for FREE?  That's right, this weekend, across Canada, you can participate in the FINISH QUANTUM TRADE-IN EVENT!  Starting Friday December 7, 2012 through Sunday December 9, 2012, you are invited to JOIN THE REVOLUTION!

Here are the details...THIS WEEKEND, at participating Walmart stores across Canada, the Finish Quantum team will be hosting “TRADE-IN” events, at which consumers can bring in their empty dishwasher detergent and trade it in for a FREE* specially-marked box of Finish Quantum!

Visit the Finish Canada Facebook page to find out the participating Walmart locations for this GREAT event!

*Each box will have a mail-in rebate for a full refund – so essentially, trade in your empty box for a FREE box of Finish Quantum!

Finish is CONFIDENT that YOU will be happy you made the trade!  See you at Walmart this weekend!  December 7-9, 2012 - mark your calendar!

Disclosure – I am participating in the Finish Quantum Trade In Event Blog Tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Finish. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I love Finish Quantum... and I've tried all the packs, boxes, and liquids. What I like quite a bit, is that it keeps the calcium build-up down without having to add another product. We have very hard water and I used to have to buy Lemi-Solv and add it. Since using Finish longer necessary. It's awesome!!!


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