
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pistachio Cupcakes - Guest Post by Nichi at The Mandatory Mooch

Hello everyone!  My name is Nichi (sounds like Niki) and I blog over at The Mandatory Mooch.  I'm honored to be a guest here today....thanks, Dawn!!  Growing up I was always mooching food off of my dad. Hence my nickname "Mooch". To me there are certain foods out there that you just have to have...therefore, making them a "mandatory mooch" if someone has it.

Today I'm sharing my Pistachio Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Buttercream Frosting.  I hope you enjoy.  
Please stop on over any time and say hi!!
I also host a weekly linky party Tasty Thursdays.  Hope to see you there.

18 cupcakes:

1 box of yellow cake mix & all ingredients that it calls for
1 box of pistachio pudding mix

few drops of green food coloring 
1/2 c. pecans, chopped
  1. Combine cake mix and it's ingredients as packaging instructs.
  2. Add in pudding mix and combine well. Mix in a few drops of green food coloring to enhance the pistachio pudding color. 
  3. Fill cupcake liners about 3/4 full with batter.
  4. Bake as directed on cake mix packaging.** may need to bake a few extra minutes, the pudding makes batter extra moist
  5. Cool and frost.  Top with pecans.
Cream Cheese Buttercream Frosting:

1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  1. Blend cream cheese and butter with mixer until creamy.
  2. With the mixer on low, slowly add sugar, scraping down the sides of the bowls as needed.  
  3. Add vanilla and increase mixer speed to medium.  Blend until frosting is fluffy.     
Source:  cupcakes "mooched" from, frosting "mooched" from Martha Stewart 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for allowing me to guest post!! Have a great Christmas!! Nichi


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