
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blogiversary Celebration - Part 1 of 3!

Wow, it is hard to believe that I've already been blogging for a year.  Happy Blogiversary to me!  And THANK YOU for being part of the ride!  To thank you, I've teamed up with some amazing fellow bloggers to giveaway all sorts of FANTASTIC prizes over the next few days! 

Today, we have the following prize package up for grabs!  (Be sure to come back Monday and Tuesday to enter for more prizes!)

$20 Gift Certificate from the M double M etsy shop

A Peck Ad Spot for 30 days, starting March 1st from Frugal Foodie Mama


Jumbo Cupcake Ad Space from 

Pamela's Heavenly Treats

Standard Ad Space from me, Addicted to Recipes!

Enter using the easy Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond.  If no response after 48 hours a new winner will be drawn.

Good luck everyone, and THANK YOU!


  1. Congrats!!! We lounge on Sundays but when I do get out of the house I hit the farmer's market, get out in the garden and head to the gym at the end of the day.
    Happy Sunday!

  2. I love lazy Sunday mornings, heading to Starbucks in the afternoon and maybe some yoga or grocery shopping. Simple and perfect!

  3. Sundays I do 2 things....laundry and make a really big Sunday supper. Other than that, I'm on the couch sleeping, watch in TV and reading on and off all day.

    1. I do a big Sunday supper too! (that way we have leftovers for Monday!)

  4. My favorite thing to do on Sunday is stay in my pajamas all day!!

  5. I enjoy spending time with friends and family!

    1. Me too! We try to go to the pool together as a family on Sunday afternoons.

  6. We go to church every Sunday...I love Sunday afternoon naps too!

  7. I love going to church every Sunday and then hanging out at home with my sweet children before the busy week starts up again! Best day of the week!

  8. Happy Blogoversary :D Erm so my favourite thing too on a Sunday has to be baking with my toddler, the best bit being when we both stare into the oven longingly until we get too take the cupcakes out of the oven haha

    1. AWESOME! I love it! We try to bake muffins on Sunday and our 5 year old loves to be part of the process.

  9. My favorite thing to on Sunday is make breakfast for my boys.

    1. I'm really lucky, unless it is a hockey morning, my hubby gets up with the kids and he usually makes Sunday breakfast :-) If it is a hockey morning then it's usually me and the toddler hanging out.

  10. We go to church on the Sundays that I don't work and spend the day doing things together when I am not working. It is the only day that my husband and I have to do things together.

    1. We do our best to make Sundays a family day too. Need to keep that connection!

  11. Sleep in! It never happens but I can dream about it, right?

    1. Oh my goodness Tara...I would LOVE to sleep in (as would my hubby). But I figure the kids are only with us for a short time, we have plenty of time to sleep in later :-)

  12. I like to start the day off right by sleeping in :) Then it's all about being productive: high intensity gym workout, laundry, cleaning, and homework for the upcoming week.

  13. Sunday's are traditional family dinner days. Though we don't always have a traditional dinner, we always have dinner as a family on Sundays - grandparents included. I hope the tradition lives on in my kids!

  14. My favorite thing on a Sunday is going to church and listening to my husband play in the church band!

  15. On Sundays I love to do a little cleaning, then relax with my daughter and my husband after he gets home from work and watch movies or catch up on shows on the DVR. :)

    1. Any day with family is always awesome. And so is catching up on the DVR!

  16. Church in the morning and then we relax in the afternoon.

  17. Read! My relaxing thing to do :)

    1. I love to read! That was one of my resolutions for this year, to read more.

  18. Favorite, is to relax do what we want and have family time!

  19. I love to cook a big dinner on Sundays and then eat it with my family and skip the dishes for the night while we watch a movie on the couch :)

    1. Good for you for skipping the dishes! That's something I would have a hard time with (though my hubby usually does most of the dishes). I like your plan!


Thank you so very much for visiting Addicted to Recipes! I love reading all your comments and will do my best to reply as quickly as I can. I sure hope you will come back and visit again soon!