
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Scrumptious Sunday Recipe Link Party #52

Addicted to Recipes
It's my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY for hosting Scrumptious Sunday!  Woohoo!  I can't believe that this is my 52nd link party.  Each week it gets better and better.  THANK YOU for joining me in my addiction!

This weekend my hubby and I are also celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary - our anniversary was a few days ago, but we are celebrating this weekend.  Yay!

Before we get to this week's party, I'm celebrating my link party anniversary by giving away a few prizes - premium ad space here on my blog for 30 days and wall vinyl "Welcome to our Home"  Enter via the rafflecopter below!  (CAN/US only - please read the terms and conditions)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Scrumptious Sunday Recipe Link Party #52 is now live!  Here is the LINK to get you over to the party!

Thanks so much for stopping by, sharing your recipes, and checking out some of the fabulous recipes already posted at the party!


  1. I live in Texas! It was 35 degrees when I got up this morning, but it's supposed to reach a high of 65 today! Beautiful! :)

  2. I live in South Carolina, and the weather is cool and sunny!

  3. Congratulations on both of your anniversaries. I hope you have a great time celebrating them! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your Sunday!

  4. Congratulations on your one year anniversary of hosting such a fun link-up. I did go vote for you!

  5. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! Thanks for hosting!

  6. Congrats on your anniversary!! :)

    I'm in the states, in WV (near-ish to DC) and it's beautiful. 50s, sunny, light breeze. I have all the windows open while I cook :)

  7. Ontario, Canada, it's been snowing! Go figure!

  8. I'm in Ontario, Canada (Toronto, to be exact)! It's been a nice, crisp winter day - great for tobogganing!

  9. Ontario, Canada and the weather here today was mild and cloudy.

  10. I live in Kansas and it was a pretty nice day today with a high of 40. However, we just got a foot of snow a few days ago and supposed to get another foot this week. YIPES!! Thanks for hosting and congrats on your anniversary!! Nichi

  11. I live in Oxford, Ohio and the weather today was absolutely beautiful (40 and sunny). Got some yard work done and went for a long needed walk. I am looking for more days like this!!

    Shaunna @ Tempting Thyme

  12. I live in Southern California USA and the weather was about 70 today! :) Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!

  13. I live in Southeastern PA, USA. It was in the high 30s/low 40s today. Happy Anniversary!

  14. A whole year! Congratulations! ;) I'm entering the giveaway and, of course, the link up! :) Thanks for hosting!!

  15. Happy anniversary also!! 7 years- hope your weekend cebrating was great! I love in Georgia in the US- our weather has been cold and rainy! :/

  16. congrats on your year anniversary richmond va 50's

  17. I live in Ohio. Today was actually a nice day- a little cold, but the sun was shining!

  18. Congrats on your anniversary! Thank you for supporting my blog this year! Sara@Milwaukee Kitchen


Thank you so very much for visiting Addicted to Recipes! I love reading all your comments and will do my best to reply as quickly as I can. I sure hope you will come back and visit again soon!