
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are YOU Getting Enough Fibre? Try New Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight! #Fibre1ACD

As a Mom, I worry.  About a lot of things...
  • Did I pack enough food in the kids lunches?  
  • Are they even going to eat their lunches? 
  • Is that sniffle turning into a cold? 
  • Did I put enough sunscreen on the kids?  
  • Are the meals I am preparing balanced and are we eating our rainbow and our food guide recommendations? 
The list goes on and on.  I spend a lot of time worrying about everyone else, that I often forget about myself.  I have been diligently trying to change that - to take better care of myself, because if I don't do it, no one else will...and if I am not around, who will worry about my kids?! :-)  So, I have been making changes.  Getting away from my desk during the day (joined the lunch hour bocce league at my day job), making sure that I pack a good variety of food in my own lunch, and making sure that I consume more than coffee for breakfast.  

Enter Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight...a delicious new cereal from General Mills.  I was sent a box to try, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is.  Usually I find 'fibre' cereals boring and bland, but the addition of the almonds and the clusters add just enough extra texture and a bit of sweetness to make the cereal satisfying.  And the cereal is full of fibre, which we all know we should all be getting more of (40% of your daily recommended intake in one bowl!).  Double bonus for hubby is allergic to almonds, so I get the cereal all to myself!  Tee hee! (Actually, it is too bad that he can`t eat the cereal, minus the almonds, I think he would enjoy the cereal too!).

Guess what?  Our friends at General Mills are giving YOU the opportunity to try the new Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight Cereal too!  You will want to keep a close eye on Facebook's Life Made Delicious page...until June 25, there are FPC's there so that YOU too can try this cereal for FREE! (while supplies last)  

Now that is DELICIOUS!

Disclosure - I am participating in the Fibre 1 Almond & Cluster Delight Cereal blogger campaign by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills.  I received compensation as a thank you for participating and sharing my honest opinion.  The opinions on this blog are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I tried this with my free coupon and now it's in my permanent cereal rotation.


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