
Friday, October 5, 2012

Scrumptious Sunday #30 and #31 - Features

Hello everyone!  As promised, a double shot of features this week!  Again I apologize for not posting features last week...what a week, and I ended it off being sick sick sick.  That back to school cold came home and I was the lucky recipent!  LOL 

Other than my cold, my week has been pretty decent.  I did end up staying home on Monday because I was ill, but I was feeling well enough to go and hide in my office come Tuesday.  On Wednesday I only worked a half day as it was parent-teacher conferences for Big B, and he only had a half-day of school.  This Mama is pleased to report that he got glowing reviews!  Woohoo!  Today I also had a day off as it was a professional development day in the school district, so Big B and I hung out together (Little B went to daycare so that Big B and I could have a "Mama-Big B Day").  I took Big B out for lunch, for sushi, one my my favourite things, and his first time.  He LOVED it!  That's my boy :-)  And now, it's Thanksgiving weekend, and we will be spending our long weekend with family and friends (eating and visiting), working in the yard (fall clean-up), at the pool (swimming lessons) and at the rink (Big B's first hockey game!). 

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all of your amazing recipes!  I get so hungry everytime I check out the links at Scrumptious Sunday.  All of you ROCK! 

If you are featured, please grab a BUTTON! You've earned it!

I was featured, I was Featured by Addicted to Recipes

Congratulations to the features from Scrumptious Sunday #30 (first group) and Scrumptious Sunday #31 (second group)!

This looks so fresh and tasty! Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella Sandwich from Lady Behind the Curtain

A great twist on a classic! Chicken Enchilada Lasagne from Go Ahead...Take A Bite!

Ummm, hello!  PB and chocolate and whip in a pie!  Oh wow! Peanut Butter Chocolate Mousse Pie from Frugal Foodie Mama

Words cannot even explain...I SO want to try this!! Cinnamon Roll Caramel Apple Cobbler from Lady Behind the Curtain

I'm totally on an apple kick. This looks delicious! Oatmeal Crumb Apple Pie from Flavors by Four

From Scrumptious Sunday #31:

Such a great idea for our lunches! Lunch Box Smoothies from 'A Casarella

It must be fall, I have soup and stews on the brain...both of these sound so good! Tortellini Vegetable Soup from The Better Baker

and Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Soup from Real Momma

We all know that I am a cookie monster!  Pumpkin Gingersnaps from My Favorite Finds

And these just look dreamy :-)  White Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes from Being Inspired

All of these recipes will be pinned to my Pinterest account, posted on Twitter, and shared on Facebook!

Just a reminder, this week's Scrumptious Sunday Link Party goes live Saturday - at 8 pm PST. Can't wait to see what you bring to the next party!


  1. Thanks for featuring my lunch box smoothies!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my cupcakes!! :) You've made my day. Can't wait to see what people link up this week!

  3. Thank you for featuring my Peanut Butter Chocolate Mousse pie! Flattered to be included! :)

  4. Thanks for featuring my chicken enchilada lasagna! It helped to make my day that much more special! ~Mary


Thank you so very much for visiting Addicted to Recipes! I love reading all your comments and will do my best to reply as quickly as I can. I sure hope you will come back and visit again soon!