
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Social - The Sasse Life

New to Sunday Social?
Here is how it works:
1. Please follow the Featured blogger.
2. Link up your blog's homepage.
3. Check out some other awesome blogs that linked up.
4. Have fun & get social!

This week's featured blog is Addicted to Recipes.

Hello everyone! I'm Dawn, and I write the blog "Addicted to Recipes". My blog started as a new year's resolution - to try making one new recipe a week, and then blog about it - that way I was accountable to myself for keeping my resolution. And it worked! Here we are in October and my resolution is going strong....and I am having a BLAST! (if only all of my resolutions were so successful!) I'm now posting at least two new-to-me recipes each week, hosting a weekly recipe link party, and learning Facebook and Twitter! Outside of my blogging life, I am a wife and Mom to two wonderful little boys, ages 5 and 1. I am surrounded by testosterone and sometimes I wonder how that happened! LOL! I also work full-time outside the home, as does my hubby, in addition to owning our own business.  Crazy, I know! 

5 Silly Facts About Me :-)
1) I'm not ambidextrous, but I am a righty AND a lefty. I write with my right hand, but I mouse with my left, play ball on my left, play hockey on my left...but I can golf right or left!
 2) I have curly hair and straight hair. Sometimes it is stick straight, sometimes it goes way curly. More of it has gone curlier after pregnancies, but I still have crazy straight parts too.
 3) I have lived in 12 houses in my life, 10 of them in the city that I currently live in. I've owned 4 of them.
 4) I can remember EVERY phone number I've had in my life. Not kidding!
 5) I am still close friends with people I went to preschool with. We met 35 years ago, when we were 3!

Thanks Kim for hosting me this week!

Make sure to stop by Dawn's blog to say hi!


  1. Hi Dawn! I found your blog through The Sasse Life. I'm your newest follower.. hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello and follow if you like what you see ;)


  2. Hey Dawn-- I found you at your feature at the Sasse Life, and linked up my gumbo. So nice to meet you and visit! Look for me on Facebook and Twitter too!


Thank you so very much for visiting Addicted to Recipes! I love reading all your comments and will do my best to reply as quickly as I can. I sure hope you will come back and visit again soon!